It Doesn't Take Much (Luke 13:18-21)

Aug 11, 2024    Phil Warner

Simple things are important to Jesus. Throughout his time on Earth, most of his instructions and teachings were about the simple things in life: how we related to each other, how we pray, how we listen, etc. Often, we are tempted to add to what Jesus asks us to do, we almost want to add complications to his teachings. In this next passage of Luke, Jesus highlights being smaller, slower, more patient. There are many things in the Kingdom of God that we won't see right away. There are rhythms that we ignore because we'd rather see results RIGHT NOW.

Jesus shows us how influence can be gentle and slow. Take your every day, ordinary life and place it before God as an offering (Romans 12:1-2). Because the Kingdom is, by its nature, relational, it must also be, by it's nature, gentle. Find the rhythms that invite you to rest with Jesus, to love others, and to slow down.

For the past few years, we continue to return to the book of Luke for an in-depth study. You can find all sermons since chapter one under the sermon series marked "Luke." There are several small focused series under that title.