Jesus Divides (Luke 12:49-53)

Jul 14, 2024    Vincent Donnachie

We're continuing our study of Luke with a look at only four verses: Luke 12:49-53. These verses are often confused or used to condemn, but the strong language Jesus is using is for a different purpose than we may perceive it. Jesus had a deep compassion for the ways that sin was ripping people's lives apart. He went to the most sinful to offer then wholeness and acceptance. His strongest language was directed towards the religious people who rejected others or put up barriers to the grace of God.

The Holy Spirit IS the fire that Jesus is referring to that is both an encouragement and a warning here. Ultimately, it is good news for everyone.

For the past few years, we continue to return to the book of Luke for an in-depth study. You can find all sermons since chapter one under the sermon series marked "Luke." There are several small focused series under that title.