Distraction and Compassion (Luke 13:1-9)

Jul 28, 2024    Vincent Donnachie, Sarah Bateman

We're starting chapter 13 of Luke with a new miniseries to examine the ways Jesus calls us to act which may be countercultural or force us out of our comfortable spaces. What we have in these first few verses is so quintessential Jesus: comforting those who are suffering, filled with shame, and on the outs of religious thought and community. At the same time, he is confronting those who were entrenched in political and religious dogma.

What if the whole foundation of understanding the heart of Jesus is off? What if the American evangelical understanding of Jesus and even the Bible since the beginning of our country has been greatly influenced by power, dominance, fear, and a judgmental moralism that Jesus never asked us to be about?

For the past few years, we continue to return to the book of Luke for an in-depth study. You can find all sermons since chapter one under the sermon series marked "Luke." There are several small focused series under that title.