Beware of Greed (Luke 12:13-21)

Jun 23, 2024    Vincent Donnachie, Sarah Bateman

We're continuing to study this section of Luke by examining Jesus' warning to not fall into the temptation of greed. Jesus cautions against greed because the motivations of greed are not often obvious right away. Greed, at its core, is often driven by fear. We then remove ourselves from dependence on God and rely on our self. Greed motivates a person to exploit others, to forget the plight of the poor, to identify only with what our ego wants and to cast God aside. Greed can be a constant push and pull on our attention, seducing us to grab, own, and hoard.

Let's learn how to be rich towards God and reject greed in all its forms.

For the past few years, we continue to return to the book of Luke for an in-depth study. You can find all sermons since chapter one under the sermon series marked "Luke." There are several small focused series under that title.