The Leader Hour
CALLING ALL & ASPIRING LEADERS OF ANY KIND: Time to up your game! You are invited to join a one hour group learning and discussion time around the most influential leadership books. You do not have to have read the books to take part. Read the above graphic for more info. Hope to see you there!

Easter Baptism
On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the symbolism of being raised to new life with Him by inviting you to be baptized if you have not yet made that choice. If you have not yet made that decision, we invite you to do so! We can't wait to celebrate it with you!

Movie Night
RCC Kids presents The King of Kings! This animated movie captures the story of Easter for the whole family. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone else you can fit in your car is invited join us on April 12th! More details coming soon!

Name Tag Sunday
Name Tag Sunday is a great way to connect with the church! 30 minutes before service starts, we will meet for breakfast in the welcome room. We hope you'll enjoy this amazing feast!

Grasping the Bible
Are you wanting to get into the Bible but not sure where to start? This four week community will help you have a far better grasp of what the Bible is and how to get into it! Join us on Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 pm, resuming May 15th!

Great Music
Every first Friday, RCC hosts an event called The Listening Room. This evening showcases local artists, bands, and talent. Join us for an evening of fun, music, and community!
P.S.- BYOB (& snack welcome!)
P.S.- BYOB (& snack welcome!)

Clothing Donations
We are partnering with Hope Rescue Mission and Lighthouse to collect donations of clothes and accessories for their residents. There is a large box located in the main stairwell where you can bring in new or used clothes for children, men, and women.
Get Involved
If you're looking for a way to get connected, make friends, serve, and take an active step in being a part of our church family, here's your chance to get involved! Here are a few: volunteer in one of the children's classes (infant - 5th grade), be an Oasis leader (6th -12th grade), pick up and deliver food donations with the food ministry, bring meals to those who are recovering following having a baby or an illness, play/sing on the worship team, etc. Find a list of our most pressing needs here.
Guy's Breakfast
All guys are invited to come to the service early every Sunday for breakfast. This time is intended for connection and good food - there is no program or structured discussion. If you've been wanting to get to know some other men at RCC, this is the perfect time.