Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Every church, as a people loved, redeemed, following Jesus and empowered by His Spirit, is meant to join His mission by sending, supporting, serving, and building friendships. Through this, we make known the good news of Jesus and the glory of God. We are called to create bridges that allow the goodness of God to travel across from heart to heart - to bring healing and transformation. As a church, we partner with individuals and families who have dedicated this season of their lives to serving in global missions or organizations based in the USA.

Meet the missionaries we support!

Dr. Carmen and Bob Morrison
Mexico City, Mexico
Carmen and Bob are the directors of Reclaim Life, an international Christian ministry dedicated to healing the emotional and spiritual brokenness of poor, marginalized adults, youth and children. You can learn more about this organization and how to support them here.

Carolyn Myer
South East Asia
Carolyn has partnered with World Horizons and is serving in a country in South East Asia - for security reasons, we'll keep it general. To find out more about the specifics of her ministry and how to support her, you can email her directly and join her mailing list!

David and Rachel VanDuzer
Camp Berea - New Hampshire
The VanDuzer family are on staff at Camp Berea, a camp that serves guests by helping them take their next step in faith through
high-quality programming, epic experiences, and friendships to last a lifetime. You can find out more about the VanDuzers here.
high-quality programming, epic experiences, and friendships to last a lifetime. You can find out more about the VanDuzers here.

Isaac and Lauren
Isaac & Lauren have partnered with Pioneers and are currently incarnating the Gospel in community with a Hindu community in Texas.