Lots of kids have dreams about becoming famous...and why shouldn't they? It sounds awesome to have fans who celebrate your wins with you. On the flip side, it would be pretty tough to have people always watching, even when you're not having the best day. In Famous, we're going to talk about a family in the Bible who lived in such a spotlight. Through their stories, kids will learn that, no matter our celebrity status, we can make things right, God gives us friends, we can ask for God's guidance, we can give God what we have. Fame and fans may come and go, but you don't have to be liked by everyone when you're loved by God
Email [email protected] if you have any questions.


Stay up to date on the basics of what we've discussed each week of our series by watching the teaching videos that correspond to each lesson. These are intended for our preschool class, which is ages 3-5.  If your child has already been registered in Check-Ins, then you will also receive an email each week with a summary of  what was covered in class, including some discussion questions for  family devotion time.

RCC Kids

Stay up to date on the basics of what we've discussed each week of our series by watching the teaching videos that correspond to each lesson. These are intended for our elementary class, which is grades K-5th. If your child has already been registered in Check-Ins, then you will also receive an email each week with a summary of  what was covered in class, including some discussion questions for  family devotion time.

Monthly Scripture Plan

Continue learning and reading together as a family with this printable monthly scripture plan. Each week of the series, you can find more verses related to that week's Big Idea.

Last month

Did you miss a video from last month's series, "How To"?  You can find all of those videos here as well.